Just a humble endevour to translate the most tremendous truth provided by Shrimad Bhagawat Gita in Simple Plain Language.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Palash said... on Verse 30 ,Chapter 9 posted on 08th Aug

1. Truth Eternal said: "the Supreme Lord is the ocean of pity and compassion"

Palash Says: pity: a sympathetic sorrow for one's suffering compassion: sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it. any person who accepts pity accepts sorrow. When you accept sorrow you accept you accept pain. When you accept pain you accept evil. As pain is evil. Something which is not part of life but a part of death. Now the Supreme Lord is the ocean of pity and compassion. What does this mean?why should anyone else alleviate your distresses they are your own. You have to remove them by your own efforts by your own mind. Accepting pity from anyone be it God or a fellow being is incorrect. You should throw away sorrow as soon as you discover it. It is unnecessary.

Reply: "one should throw away sorrow......."correct....bt what about those who are emotionally, physically, mentally, morally or spiritually not so strong.....The Supreme Lord Is the Father ,the Creator.....accepting whose pity & compassion one should not feel ashamed but its a matter of pride to feel that grace of God.....

reg "sorrow, pain ,evil& death" all are present in VyavhArik world......which most of us accept to be true .Spirituality leads one gradually away from these illusions...its possible only when one begins on the path of spirituality with humility......

2. Truth Eternal said: It is not only a matter of consideration but also becomes true if he whole heartedly submits to God and chants His holy name. He is then purified of all his weaknesses and material contaminations."

Palash says: God asks for submission. to submit means to yield oneself to the authority or will of another. There is no authority above your own. Never give in to anyone's authority nor take authority over anyone. One should deal mutually and not submissively.

Reply: God is Almighty ,nothing happens in this world without His will.....
nothing that He purposes can be avoided.....
so the safest ,surest, simplest & the best way to achieve what you want & also to be able to bear what your destiny has in store for you....is to submit to His authority...
otherwise your EGO is going to make you flap your wings ineffectually......
you cant raise even your little finger if God desires otherwise ..He is the doer ,the enjoyer & even the enjoyed & what not

3. Truth Eternal Said:"Even in the life of an immoral person there may be some turning points when he may make him come to God with submission."again submission!"One's he becomes a suppliant of God and says to Him that it is beyond his power to get over the weaknesses of his character and that it is possible only by His grace, the Ocean of Compassion, the Supreme Lord, Who looks after his devotee in all ways, purifies his conduct by pulling him over his weaknesses and passions and he becomes a true saint."

Palash says:acceptance of weakness!Why should there be any weakness to be accepted?why should you let there be any?

Reply: To err is humane, & to forgive is divine......man is folly personified.....

these sayings do hold good everywhere at all times... as only God is perfect

One may try to minimise his faults & weaknesses But that cant be done without recognising & accepting one's mistakes....noone so stubborn as not to be able to accept his mistakes (to himself)
can ever come over them......So if one wishes not to let there be any weakness to accept, he has only to start accepting them now.....as the only way to avoid being in the dentist chair is to pay regular visits to the dentist

Thought for the Week

"SPIRITUALITY is the perfect balance of
Inner celebration & outer silence
as well as
Outer celebration & inner silence"

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Thought For The Week

TRUST HIM FULLY........................