Just a humble endevour to translate the most tremendous truth provided by Shrimad Bhagawat Gita in Simple Plain Language.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Be Positive

Positive pictures come out from negatives developed in a dark room. So if you find yourself lonely and in the dark, understand that God is working on a beautiful picture.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Best Sculptor

Once Michelangelo, the famous sculptor was carrying with great difficulty a heavy stone to his work place. A man asked him what use was that stone for him, why he was taking such pains to drag it along. Michelangelo replied that there was an angel hidden inside the stone and he would liberate it.
Deep within all of us know that we are that eternel soul, the Universl Energy but the thing is that we do not know that we know,it is so because the Eternal Truth is concealed by the ignorance or illusory Maya. Guru like a sculptor chistles off the layers of ignorance and reveals to us our True Self. He is the best Sculptor who recognizes our real identity and brings it out to make us know ourselves. We are not stones (bodies) but an Angels (souls).

Friday, April 3, 2009

Have some Problem?.........This one is for U

In the Thar Desert there lived a wise old man who owned nineteen camels. He had four obedient sons. When his time was near, he called all his four sons, and said to them that after his death they must divide the camels among them so that the eldest should get half the camels, the second should get half of the remaining half , and the two younger sons would divide the rest of the camels equally between them.
One day he passed away. After giving him his last rites the four sons sat joining their heads to divide the camels among them the way their father had told them to do, but it was no easy sum. Dividing nineteen camels in equal halves was impossible without killing one and that was the last thing they would do as they loved them dearly. Now .they remembered their father had a Guru who guided him in all matters. They thought there must be some mystery behind their father’s will which his guru would certainly help them solve..
They all went to the wise Master and told him about there problem. The Guru smiled and taking his own camel went to their place. Now he added his own camel to their nineteen camels to make them twenty in number. He gave the eldest son ten camels, the second son got five (half of remaining ten). Now he was left with five camels to be divided equally among two younger sons. He took away his one camel and then divided the remaining four camels between them. All the sons accepted their shares and no camel was killed, Guru also got back his camel.
Now their wise father has given them a message in this way. It is:
Always heed Guru’s advise who connects you to God & whatever you do, add God (the twentieth camel) to it then no matter how difficult the situation may be, it will be solved easily. So always keep God and Guru with you.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Who am I?......contd...

न चैकं तदंयात द्वितीयम कुतः स्यात

कैवलत्वम न चाकैवलत्वम

नाशून्यम न चाशून्यमद्वैतकत्वात

कथं सर्ववेदान्तसिद्धं ब्रवीमि

It is not one for how can there be a second distinct from it?Aloneness cannot be attributed to it nor even not aloneness. It is neither a void nor a non-void. When it does not admit of a second entity, in what manner can Ispeak about it is established by all the Upanishads.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Who am I ? .........contd........

अपिव्यापकत्वात हितात्वाप्रयोगात
स्वतःसिद्ध भावादनन्याश्रयात्वात
जगत उच्चमेतः समस्तं तदन्यात
तदेको अवशिष्ठः शिवा केवलोअहम

All this universe which is other than self is unreliable (having no existence of its own) , for it is well known that the self is all- pervasive, it is the reality and existence ,so is self proven and does not depend on anything else....That one, the Residue, the Auspicious, the only One am I.

to be contd..........