Just a humble endevour to translate the most tremendous truth provided by Shrimad Bhagawat Gita in Simple Plain Language.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Who am I ? .........cont...............

न जागरण न में स्वप्न को वा सुषुप्तिः
न विश्वानवातैजसः प्राज्ञ को वा
अविद्यात्मकत्त्वात त्रायानाम तुरीयः
तदेको अवशिष्ठः शिवा केवलोअहम

There is no waking state for me, nor dream nor deep sleep. I am neither Vaishvaanar, nor Taijas, nor Praagya (self identified with the stste of waking, dream and deep sleep respectively).
Of these ignprance bound three I am the eourth (Turiya)। That One, the Residue, the Auspicious, the Only One am I.

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